We strive through each of our initiatives to make cancer patients and their caretakers feel the support from the local community. Cancer is tough, but you are not alone. Kickin’ Cancer is your local nonprofit organization focused on providing cancer support to the Redwood County area.
Are you ready to do
Your Part?
Blessing Bags are an initiative we do to help cancer patients feel supported during their treatment. Anyone who is diagnosed with cancer and lives within or near Redwood County can be given one. The blessing bags contain comfort care items and a gift card which can be used for gas or lodging during treatment.
Wish List Items for Blessing Bags
Below is a list of items we are continually looking for to add to future blessing bags. These are items that we know are helpful in providing support during the long hours of cancer treatment. We appreciate you considering a donation to Kickin’ Cancer in Redwood County.
- Toothbrush
- Crossword or Word Find Books
- Notebooks
- Pen / Pencil
- Fuzzy Socks
- Bottle of Water or Gatorade
- Spearmint Gum
- Granola Bar
- Gummi Bears
- Chapstick
- Lap Blanket
- Travel size Items
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Hand Sanitizer
- Toothpaste
- Lotion
- Kleenex
- Cash Donations accepted
Physical Donations
Physical donations can be dropped off at either Minnwest Bank location in Redwood or F&M Bank in Morgan.
Monetary Donations
Checks can be made out to Kickin’ Cancer in Redwood County and dropped off at F&M Bank in Morgan, Attn: Sheri Madsen, or Minnwest Bank in Redwood, Attn: Kelli Sorenson.
Mail Monetary Donations To:
Redwood Area Community Foundation
Attn: Kickin’ Cancer
PO Box 481
Redwood Falls, MN 56283
Monetary donations can also be made online.
Initiatives such as blessing bags are made possible by donations and the time needed to put the bags together. If you are interested in volunteering your time to help fill bags, please fill out the volunteer form and we will reach out to you soon.