
Join Our Board of Directors

Join our team of passionate volunteers! We are seeking volunteer board member applicants who are looking to put their passion to work and serve others in our communities.

Our community sticks together. Kickin’ Cancer in Redwood County is a premiere cancer support organization run by volunteers who live, work and play in the communities it benefits.

Why Volunteer?

Cancer has impacted all of us. With the mental load that a cancer diagnosis has on family and loved ones, we believe in helping where we can. Financial and emotional support are two ways we can help aid in alleviating the stress of the diagnosis.

Whether you are able to assist with filling blessing bags once, volunteer the day-of for our annual Kickin’ Cancer in Redwood County event or become a board member, we have a role for you! Without our volunteers, our organization would not be what it is today.

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Hear From Our

Listen in as volunteers from our Kickin’ Cancer in Redwood County Event explain why they volunteer for our organization.

Ready to Volunteer?

Fill out the form below and we'll reach out to you.

Interested Volunteer Role(Required)
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