Have you gotten the chance to experience the Kickin’ Cancer in Redwood County event during the summer? The 4th Annual Kickin’ Cancer in Redwood County event was held on August 16, 2024 from 4:30pm to 10:00pm at the Gilfillan Estates in Morgan, Minnesota.
4th Annual Event
The weather was not in our favor, the rain came and went and it was super windy. We were able to set our luminaries out later in the day and only able to light a few near the building because of the wind. However the event was a success with over 300 attendees - including 75 survivors - we raised a little over $15,000 that night alone. In addition to our sponsorships that were given prior, we raised a total of $68,9798 with donations collected all year including donations given in memory of family members who have passed.
This year’s event began with Survivor Registration and a Hamburger or Hotdog Meal, followed by an opening ceremony honoring 7 people who have survived cancer followed by a bubble release, a time for reflection and provides a time to reflect and remember. We embrace that it means different things to different people. For some, it is a way to remember their loved ones that have passed and a time to reflect. For some, it is to be thankful for those that have fought and won the battle.
Following the opening ceremony, the event featured a live auction, silent auction, relay, popcorn, games, kids train rides, kids grab bags, ice cream, teas, petting zoo, wine pull and more.
THANK YOU to our countless volunteers that bring so much to our event!! We had many people show up and want to help in any way they could - from selling tshirts, to serving the meal, to helping set up the event - we are very grateful to be in Redwood County where the people are simply amazing and giving!

2024 Honorary Survivors
Delhi: Mindy Amberg
Sanborn: Julie Kircher
Morgan: Monde Grunke
Redwood Falls: Diane Radel
Wabasso: Carol Remiger
Lucan: Terry Ourada
Belview: Scott Knutson
Tracy: Sandy Fultz, Voice of Hope